Spring Nail Art Trends For the Real World

8 Apr


Spring is finally here and everywhere you look, things are getting more colorful—so, why not your mani? Nail art is still hot this season, and while you might fret that it isn’t office-appropriate (there are some major designs out there!), you can definitely find the right balance between 3-D stacks and pale pink. Nails are the new statement accessory that can take you from salon chitchat to conference room meetings, if you do it right. I personally understand the delicate difference, because before I became a professional nail artist (see my designs here!), I worked at one of the country’s largest and most conservative companies. I can attest that, even if your boss is buttoned-up, you can still fun up your fingers with an amazing mani. After all, you’re the one who’s going to be looking at your hands while you type the day away. Click through to discover some chic, real-world-appropriate nail art trends for spring.

The Nutritional Value Of Apples

7 Apr

Isn’t there a well known dictum  “An Apple a Day Keeps The Doctor Away”. This famous adage is not superstition but there are many medical studies and researches that prove it to be true. Delicious and crunchy apple fruit is one of the most popular fruits, favorite of health conscious, fitness lovers who believe in the concept “health is wealth.” This wonderful fruit is packed with rich phyto-nutrients that in the true senses indispensable for optimal health. The antioxidants in apple have much health promoting and disease prevention properties.Apples are obtained from the medium-sized tree belonging to the Rosaceae family. The apple tree is originated in the mineral-rich mountain ranges of Kazakhstan, and now being cultivated in many parts of the world.

Apple fruit features oval or pear shape; and the outer skin has different colors depending upon the cultivar type. Internally, the juicy pulp has been off-white to cream in color and has to mix of mild sweet and tart taste. Its seeds are inedible because of their bitter taste.

 Nutritional Value Of Apples

The Nutritional Value Of Apples

Basic Nutrients

Apply is rich with Vitamin C, which is important for supporting a healthy immune system, forming collagen and enhancing iron absorption.

Prevention of Heart Diseases

Presence of Antioxidant phytonutrients in apple juice help reduce cholesterol, especially LDL cholesterol (low-density lipoproteins or bad cholesterol). Which than helps in preventing cardiovascular disease.Apple contains a large number of vitamin C, which can protect the health of cardiovascular, so it is helpful for the patients who suffer from heart disease. It contains Contains heart-healthy potassium, which makes the heart strong.

Prevention Of Cancer

Apply is not only good for heart but is also a vital where prevention of cancer comes into question. Many studies has shown that apply is a big help in preventing cancer. Apples are abundant in quercetin, a flavonoid, which helps prevent the growth of prostate cancer cells. And the presence of Flavonoids, especially the flavonoid, quercetin, found in apples, appear to reduce the risk of lung cancer. Studies even say that apple cuts the risk of having Lung Cancer in half.

Prevention of Diabetes

Apple is also an important factor in fighting against diabetes. Apple contains great amounts of pectin and trace element chrome, which can maintain the stability of blood sugar. As a result, apple is not only very suitable for the patients with diabetes, but is also an indispensable fruit for those who want to control the level of blood sugar.

Prevention of Osteoporosis in Women

Apple is really good for women. Researches have suggested that, apples may protect post-menopausal women from osteoporosis and may also increase bone density. This is possible due to the presence of a flavonoid called phloridzin and boron, another ingredient that helps strengthen bones.

Help with Blood Pressure

Despite been good for heart, skin and cancer apple also helps in regulating Human Blood Pressure. It is recommend for people with bloody pressure problem to at least have an apple a day. Due to the presence of potassium in apple, apple is able to help in regulating the blood pressure.

Importance’s of Apple For Skin

Apple is good for both health and beauty. Apple is very good for skin. Due to the presence of Vitamin C, apple helps in improving the freshness of skin and also improves your complexion.

Watermelon As The Best Food For Weight Loss In Summer Season

7 Apr

So, the summer is back with all its heat, loading shedding, lawn collections, fashion mantra, more eating and some excellent fruits. In winter what ever we wear and how much weight we gain all is covered up with couple of sweaters, and longs coat. But as summer is back, so is the fashion freak-ness and a desperate need to lose what ever ponds we have gained in winter hoping no one will be able to make it.But no more, if you want to wear classy lawn dresses, you have to lose weight and this article will help you in doing exactly that, with an added advantage of having the best fruit of summers i.e. Watermelon in abundance.  In this article we will help you and guide you step by step in how to lose weight in the scoring heat summer season with help of Watermelon. Also we will discuss some merits of this extra ordinary fruit.

We know that a diet including fruits is considered to be a well-balanced diet; isn’t it a famous adage “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”, regardless the fact that the fruits you eat are for weight loss or not. Or you are using fruits for dieting. Fruits are always considered to be a healthy way of satisfying your hunger. There are many fruits which help in losing weight, but we will concentrate on watermelon.

Watermelon As The Best Food For Weight Loss In Summer Season

Lose your weight with watermelon

The doctors have defined the number of calories required by the human body in a day. Studies have showed that an average man requires 250o calories per day to keep his weight constant, on the contrary an average adult female needs 2,000. And this wonderful weight losing fruit watermelon contains 49 calories per cup.  And one can take out 20 cups from a normal size watermelon. So, even if you eat up a complete watermelon you will consume less then half the number of calories required by human body. Below are some useful tips to lose weight.

  • The first thing to lose weight with help of watermelon is to at-least have 1 kg of watermelon for every 10 kg of your body. I.e. if you are 60 kg, you should have 6 kg watermelon.
  • Another interesting fact is that, if you have watermelon you don’t feel hungry. It is because watermelon fills your stomach with min-um number of calories. And also, that you quickly lose weight. You will be able to see a noticeable difference in your weight within few days. You might be able to lose 3-5 kg in just couple of days.
  • Watermelon also contains some healthy nutrients such as vitamin C and lycopene, which are not only good for your internal health but also for your external. As vitamin C will give a freshness and glow to your face. And help in improving your complexion.
  • If you are like those typical Pakistani’s who want something sweet after eating anything at all, then you are in for a surprise because your sweet hunger will easily be satisfied by the sweet and delicious taste of watermelon, without adding fats to your diet.
  • High water content of watermelon gives fat burning benefits, helping to make metabolism work more efficiently. With a healthy amount of fiber and protein, human body work harder to consume the calories in most efficient way.

How Does Aloe Vera Help Acne

7 Apr

Many people are facing the problem of ACNE regardless of what age group they belong too. This problem of acne is most common in Teenagers.Acne does damage your beauty. Doctors say that due to the hormonal changes that are occurring in a persons body during his teen, are the main reason for teenagers to be plagued with acne. People now-a-days spend hundreds of rupees in trying different creams, one after another and to no vain. One major people of today’s generation is, they don’t go in the dept of what the problem actually is and why is it there. All they want is a quick and easy solution. In this article we will first tell succinctly what Acne is and then latter on focus on how Aloe Vera helps in getting rid of Acne.How Does Aloe Vera Help Acne

What is Acne ?

Acne is caused due to the over production of oil in our skin. This oil plugs in the pores of the skin and cause outbreak, which are normally called blackheads, whiteheads,cysts, nodules and zits. There are many factors that result in the breakout.But it is mainly, because of increased hormones called androgens. Both males and females have these. Androgens cause oil glands to grow and produce extra oil. As the oil thickens, it turns into this white substance known as sebum. As the oil production increases, your
pores become clogged and bacteria forms causing pimples to develop. Many researchers believe acne is a genetic trait.

How Does Aloe Vera Help Acne?

Nearly 2,000 laboratory studies of aloe vera confirm that it has real and substantial healing powers for skin cells. It helps the skin regenerate its outermost layer much more quickly to close the skin over wounds.It has been proven by the Indian scientist  that aloe vera can be used to treat acne. And you can see a noticeable difference in as little time as one week.Aloe Vera is kind of like natural bleach. Aloe Vera when applied to the acne scars , they begin to reduce in size and eventually vanish.

There are different Aloe Vera solution which can be made with the help of Aloe Vera Juice and an Aloe Vera Gel. These solutions are considered to be one of the most effective and efficient solution for acne.These make excellent home remedies for both acne and other scars. Aloe can penetrate down to about seven layers of body tissue and has proven quite effective by researchers.

Methods of Applying Aloe Vera

Method 1

Acne sufferers can see a remarkable improvement by simply breaking an aloe vera leaf and applying the watery gel to the acne How Does Aloe Vera Help Acnelesions. It should be noted that aloe vera does not “cure” acne, but it greatly reduces the swelling, inflammation and redness associated with acne. Further, if you use the aloe vera every day, it will help prevent acne outbreaks. In addition to treating acne, the hidden secrets of this simple plant are being used for the treatment of many other skin problems.

Method 2

To increase the vitality of your skin, drink some freshly-squeezed organic aloe vera juice daily. To make aloe vera juice, simply pick the largest leaves from an aloe vera plant in the afternoon, clean away all dirt and debris and process the leaves in your juicer. It is recommended that you drink between 2-4 ounces, twice a day. For added flavor, you can mix the aloe vera juice with some organic carrot juice.Also, drinking aloe vera’s juice is good for your internal health.

Nutritional Benefits Of Honey

7 Apr

Nutritional Benefits of Honey are unlimited. Benefits of honey are not limited to your internal health but you can enhance your external beauty with help of it. The great taste of honey is not the only benefit in fact the benefits of honey go beyond its great taste. Honey contains carbohydrates in abundance which help you in providing strength  and energy in your body. Honey is also known for  its effectiveness in instantly boosting the performance, endurance and reduce muscle fatigue of athletes.An important thing about honey is; its natural sugars play an important role in preventing fatigue during exercise. The glucose in honey is absorbed by the body quickly and gives an immediate energy boost, while the fructose is absorbed more slowly providing sustained energy. It is known that honey has also been found to keep levels of blood sugar fairly constant compared to other types of sugar. And in this article we will tell you some tips to experience the health benefits of honey.

Nutritional Benefits Of Honey

Nutritional Benefits Of Honey

Prevent Cancer

Honey is considered to be a very effective way to prevent cancer. It is also considered to be very healthy.Honey contains flavonoids, antioxidants in abundance which help in reducing the facts which lead towards Cancer.

Prevent Heart

Honey also helps in prevention of Heart problems. Presence of flavonoids, antioxidants help in preventing some major heart diseases.

Reduce Ulcers and other Gastrointestinal Disorders.

Honey is also a big help where reduction of uclers and other gastrointestinal are concerned. Recent research shows that honey treatment may help disorders such as ulcers and bacterial gastroenteritis.There are certain factors present in honey which help in the reduction ucler and gastrointestinal disorders

Anti-bacterial, Anti-fungal

One major benefits of hone is that it is considered to be a very good Anti-Bacterial and Anti-Fungal substance.Honey is anti-bacterial because during the production of honey the bees which are making it add some enzyme that makes hydrogen peroxide. She then effect the bacteria.

Increase Athletic Performance

I remember as a child my grand mother use to force Honey into my mouth early morning and use to say that if you take one table spoon daily you will run faster then superman !! Back then it use to impress and motivate me. Even now i am still amazed at amazed at the benefits of honey where our athletic performances are concerned. Even ancient Olympic athletes would eat honey and dried figs to enhance their performance. This has now been verified with modern studies, showing that it is superior in maintaining glycogen levels and improving recovery time than other sweeteners.

Reduce Cough and Throat irritation

Honey helps with coughs, particularly buckwheat honey. In a study of 110 children, a single dose of buckwheat honey was just as effective as a single dose of dextrometh orphan in relieving nocturnal cough and allowing proper sleep.

Balance the 5 elements
Honey has been used in ayurvedic medicine for the last 4000 years and is considered to affect all three of the body’s primitive material imbalances positively. It is also said to be useful useful in improving eyesight, weight loss, curing impotence and premature ejaculation, urinary tract disorders, bronchial asthma, diarrhea, and nausea.

Aloe Vera Gel For Hair Growth

7 Apr
Now-a-days almost everyone is suffering with the problem of hair loss. And this problem is more common in men than it is in women. Even studies show that almost every other or second man is facing the problem of hair loss. Many of us must have tired zillions things, i don’t know about you people but i at least have done a lot to prevent hair loss. I have tried almost every product that exists in the market to prevent from hair loss and all to no vain. Though there are some which are effective but for a short spam afterwards i am back to where i have started. It was then when someone suggested me Aloe Vera, and trust me it has done wonders. It not only stopped the hair fall but also helped in growing new hair. Now, my hair seem much much healthy and soft than they ever were.  The plant is commonly used in Eastern cultures and is gaining popularity in Western alternative medicine. It has anti-aging properties which helps with hair cell renewal as well as properties that stimulate collagen production, which helps prevent in skin elasticity.Aloe Vera Gel For Hair Growth

Aloe Vera Gel For Hair Growth

We are well aware of that fact that Aloe vera has a lot of medicinal uses. It is used is some very important medicine. One of which includes moisturizing of scalp and promoting hair growth. Beside this, it really helps in alleviating scalp skin conditions such as dandruff. It also helps in relieving the scalp from redness and itchiness.

Now the question here is How to use Aloe Vera Gel ? The method is very easy effective and efficient  All you have to do; to use aloe vera gel is to take one of the plant’s plump, spiky leaves and cut it cross-wise.  Using your thumb and index finger, gently squeeze out the clear gel and apply it to your scalp in a circular motion until the gel sinks in. For better and effective results you should repeat this process at least twice a week. And you will be able to see a noticeable difference in just a month. Aside from directly harvesting the gel from the aloe plant, you can buy processed aloe products.Your hair loss will reduce up to 80 percent. And your hair will start to look healthy and beautiful

Benefits of Aloe Vera For Hair

The aloe gel is a great ointment for promoting hair growth because it maintains the pH balance of your hair cells. This allows hair to grow healthier and more robust. Applying it to your hair can also moisturize the ends, preventing split ends

Side Effects of Aloe Vera Gel

Topical usage of aloe vera gel does not have significant side effects. However, it is important to consider that taking the aloe vera stalks orally may result in diarrhea because of the plant’s laxative properties. It can also lower blood sugar levels, so it is important to seek medical advice if you have any health condition which the aloe plant may affect.

Five Best And Perfect Summer Foods For Weight Loss

6 Apr

According to the new  Fashion i.e. Tights with knee light shirt or Plazo with short shorts one has to lose weight. And the best part is that you need not to starve yourself on a wacky fad diet just to make yourself look good in your summer clothes. One major advantage of summer is that you no longer find heavy, high calories dishes seem less appealing in-fact one prefers refreshing and light food. And the secret of weight loss lies in choosing light, refreshing and healthy food. These kind of foods despite fulfilling your hunger keeps the intake of calories to as few as possible. Doctors and nutritionists believe is that if you want to reduce your calories then the best way to do is to opt for natural foods which include vegetables and fruits.

Vegetables and Fruits beside being low in calories, they are very high where vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and fiber are concerned. And in this article we will discuss Five Best And Perfect Summer Foods For Weight Loss.

Five Best And Perfect Summer Foods For Weight Loss

Five Best And Perfect Summer Foods For Weight Loss



This is specially for all those who love soup. Since they are soup lovers and hope to get their hands on a soup that is in low calories. Here it is Chilled soup despite been in low calories is a very healthy dish. Chilled soups like gazpacho or cucumber-dill that contain lots of chunky vegetables are a great way to start a meal.Research shows that a low-calorie, broth-based soup at the beginning of the meal will fill you so you eat less at the meal.


Then comes strawberry, i don’t know about you people but i for sure am a big fan of Strawberry.  Strawberries are considered to be the best summer food which dieting comes into question. They are said to be the perfect summer snack for weight loss not only because they are low in calories but also due to the fact that they are high on omega 3 fats and contains cancer fighting polyphenols in abundance. If you eat half cup of strawberries, they will provide about 70 per cent of daily vitamin C, fiber and antioxidants.


Then comes another famous and most loved fruit of summer watermelon. It is said that despite providing the vitamins and fibers, watermelon has some factors which help in reducing weight. Also, another advantage of watermelon is that it fulfils your trust for something sweet and helps you to resist creamy cakes and chocolates which are high in calories.


Blueberry are considered to be an excellent sources of delicious summer food that helps in not only improving your blood circulation but also helps in fighting the free radical damage cause to tissues and cells. Blueberry are low in calories and because of this you can eat as many blueberries as you want consuming them in umpteen will not increase body fat.You may enjoy them atop oatmeal, inside whole-grain muffins or puree them into burger patties.


Lastly we have the grilled Veggies. Doctors recommend to have a plate of grilled vegetables in summer time. They are very low in calories and are very high with vitamins and minerals. Your plate of grilled vegetable must contain onions, bell peppers, zucchini, carrots, eggplant, asparagus, and garlic in your fridge. You can use them to make dishes like:

  1. Grilled vegetable and goat cheese salads
  2. Grilled vegetable pitas
  3. Grilled vegetable, ricotta, and fresh herb pasta and frittatas

Hairstyle Tips For Thin Hairs

6 Apr

Those women with thin hairs knows very well that how difficult it is to have a good hairstyle, because no matter how hard you try, your hair gets flat, frizzy and can’t hold any hairstyle for longer period of time. All these are the reasons that make hairstyling difficult on fine hairs. Here, we has bought some beauty tips related to hairstyling for all the women out there.


1. If you want to straight your hairs avoid using straightner because it will give your hairs flat look instead of using straightner opt for blow dryer or a paddle hair brush, it will give the artificial volume to your hairs making them look thick.

2. If nothing stays in your hairs, try using styling gels and sprays before trying any new style, it will help in keeping the hair style for a long time.

3. Before styling your hairs, drain out maximum moisture from your hairs because it will restrict you from creating a perfect hairstyle.

4. To avoid flat look of hair, use light weighted gels and pastes.

5. Go for the volumizing hair products as it will give the volume to your hairs and will make them look thick and will help in getting convoluted waves.

6. While blow drying your hairs, all your hairs down and start blowing it vertically from roots and keep brushing your hairs, it will give the nice lift to your hairs.

7. If your hairs are unable to keep the curls, then use hot hair rollers to get curls. The heat from the rollers will help to change the hair texture and making them able to hold the curls for a long time.

By S.R Hirani

How To Get Fresh Skin

6 Apr

Having fresh skin not only depicts your beauty but also your inner health. You can have a fresh look with makeup but its not long lasting and once your makeup facades out the real you is back. Also, Skin is considered to be very vital part of your body and the one which is exposed to danger the most. In this article we will tell you about different methods for get Natural and Fresh Skin.

Steps To Get Fresh Skin

Wash Face Daily

Hot to get fresh skin ? The first thing you have to do is to wash you face daily. Start a daily face washing routine, in the  morning as wellfresh-skin as in the night. Another important factor to having fresh skin is consistency. You will only be able to get result if you are consistent after all isn’t it said: Slow and steady Wins the Race. Make sure you do the following things every day both at night and in the morning

  1. Cleanser:- Wash you face with a cleanser, do not scrub your face too hard or with a rough washcloth. Because doing this may cause blemishes to stay on your face longer.
  2. Toner:- Then comes the Toner though it is not compulsory for you to use it, but using it can be beneficial especially for those who have dry skin. Try to get a Alcohol free toner or toner in accord to your skin type. As toner  helps firm and tighten your skin as it wipes away dirt in your pores.
  3. Moisturize your face:- In-case of Oily skin do not apply heavy moisturizer infact keep the heavy one for night and use a light one for the day. Moisturize every time you wash your face, shave, or simply need the extra moisture.
  4. Makeup Removal:- Leaving makeup on for the night is the worst thing you can do to your face. So, always remove your makeup before going to bed.

Treat acne

In How to get Fresh Skin ? Another important factor is to get rid of acne. Following are the few methods to remove acne.

  1. Salicylic acid gel. Salicylic acid causes the skin to naturally exfoliate its layers quicker, thus helping acne go away, and also prevents new acne from forming.
  2. Benzoyl peroxide lotion or spot treatment. If your acne is moderate or severe, you can find lotion products containing benzoyl peroxide that you apply evenly over your face, usually at night time. You can also find benzoyl peroxide in spot treatment formulas.

Use Fresh Makeup

We know expired makeup or already used brushes can really damage your skin as the contain bacteria which are harmful for your skin.If you’ve been using the same powders, blush, eyeshadow and mascara for over 6 months, it’s probably time to throw everything out and start over. So always use only the fresh makeup and brushes.

Drink Water

In answering the Question How To Get Fresh Skin ? This is one of best and effective solution. Drink at least 6 – 7 glasses of water daily. The extra fluid makes it easier for you to flush out toxins and waste.

Home Made Tomato Facial Mask For Skin

6 Apr

So, Summers are almost here, and so are the problem with our skin. During summer season if not well kept, the skin can really be damaged and destroyed. So, if you plan to keep your skin and your beauty intact you have to work hard on it. There is no way around, other then applying beauty creams, sun blocks and home made remedies. Especially homemade remedies since there are many benefits associated with them such as not very expensive, easy available, requires less effort and time, and the most important is minimal after effects. There is one fruit which is used in almost every homemade remedy and is also readily available  available. This fruit is none other then TOMATO.

Home Made Tomato Facial Mask For Skin

Home Made Tomato Facial Mask For Skin

When skin is dull and full of blemishes and it needs some brightening and nourishing it doesn’t need a store brand facial mask. What your skin needs is a homemade tomato facial mask.Tomatoes naturally help brighten and nourish dull skin while getting rid of blemishes and returning your skin back to it’s natural Ph balance. Below are some Tomato Masks.

Tomato and Avocado Mask

Avocado is considered to be a great source of antioxidant for skin. Due to the presence of fatty acids in Avocado, it helps in deeply moisturizing and nourishing our skin.What you need for this mask is

What you have to do is; you have to mash the half ripped Avocado and the Half fresh Tomato and then add 1 tablespoon jojoba or sweet almond oil to the mashed mixture.You can mash them with a fork or in a mixer. Once they are mixed properly apply the mask on the face after cleaning and leave for 10 to 15 minutes. This mask is ideal not only for softening the skin but also for preventing the premature wrinkling.

Milk and Tomato Mask

This is one of the most effective tomato Masks, as the antioxidant property of Tomato helps in cleaning, moisturizing and nourishing our skin, on the other hand milk helps in softening our skin. These two, to gather make a great Couple or i may say Mask. The ingredients which are required for these masks are

First thing you have to do is to mash the tomato, then you should blend the freshly mashed tomato with enough milk powder to make it look like a paste. Once it take on the form of a paste, apply this paste on your face for 10-15 minutes. But before you apply this paste wash your face to rid your skin from dirt and bacteria. After 10 to 15 minutes wash the paste/mask with fresh water. Then dry your skin. Pat your skin to dry rather then rubbing the towel on your face. Lastly, apply any good moisturizer.

Tomato, cucumber and honey

Tomato, cucumber and honey is an excellent combination for cleansing and moisturizing the skin.This tomato facial mask is very potent and is gentle enough for the sensitive skin.The things you need for this masks are:

  •  half of a fresh tomato
  • fresh cucumber two inches
  •  2 tablespoons of honey

Blend half of a fresh tomato, fresh cucumber two inches and 2 tablespoons of honey. Smear it onto the face and neck, then relax for 15 minutes before rinsing it off. You can repeat this treatment after one day.

By sana